Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Eternal Sunshine

  Eternal Sunshine

Turn the spotlight on me,
Fierce are the voices,
The sacred little murmurings
Of my fear, or are they
Who in their right mind, can
Know who I really am?
The product of my imaginings,
Or the wilful acts of betrayal,
Of the hatefulness from within.
Constant are the voices here,
Doubting if I’ve ever heard,
Had I ever been alive,
And will my spotless mind
On tranquilisers or amphetamines
Come to help me escape
Or survive!
Scope for clues of love,
Tired eyes weep and blink,
Somebody dropped in the drink,
Hidden again beneath the sink.
Can we see this sunrise,
Do we travel with open eyes?
Are you wind or vapour still,
For could this day be prized?
Amen I accept the cruelty,
My life affects the novelty,
Drowned in comfort on the sea,
Did you manage to eliminate me?
What games are played with
Malice and fortuitous glances,
Did we fall and settle dances,
Could the law be felt undone,
Where all I wanted more
Was to run and run..
Brightness scorched across
My face, subtle at first,
A lasting degrading trace,
Held on rods of purest gold,
Lost beneath the days gone cold.
Love in envy brought the wine,
Sad and happy you’d been mine,
Once upon a restless time,
We held the cup of winning rhyme.
Drunk is messed and without limit,
I had seen there’s no more in it,
You took steps to blow my mind,
And dust and rust is all I’d find.
Red the blood to save my soul,
Green has routed from this hole,
Death now closes, a worthy goal,
For all is new that fills my bowl.

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