Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ship of Greedy Fools.

     Ship of Greedy Fools.

Would the glass expose somehow,
The flaws that greediness allow.
The world where our pioneers died,
To fill the pockets of those who lied.

Standing tall upon this skyline,
Shame of corporate greed a fitting byline.
But sponsored once on preservation,
Of educating the poorest of our nation.

Those men and women in northern mills,
Climbed to fight the oppression, over hills.
To save the spirit of true endeavour,
And feed themselves so they'd be clever-er...

Such sacrifice should not now be ignored,
By this ship of greedy fools and her board.
The pioneers legacy was of co-operation,
A most effective way to build this nation.

Through struggles of workers taking action,
A movement was being formed for satisfaction.
To build friendships, equality and solidarity,
Where the weak and poor could hold a parity.

And on they pushed to find a home,
One where their dreams stood not alone.
And for this effort of sweat and tears,
We've built on these, two hundred years.

But what has become of truth and sharing,
Are the ethics followed, and are we caring?
How can it be seen in transparency,
When you covet profits and deal in secrecy?

It's clear that rescue is what you need,
A return to ethics, and a flight from greed.
Be wise in council and take a stand,
Like those pioneers, please lend a hand...

In recognition of the aims and objectives, values and principles of the founders of co-operative society, 
“The Rochdale Pioneers.”

Today's Co-operative Group.



Past the point of no return,
some wilder gift I've to learn,
held me for a night in bed,
the craziest dreams are in my head.

Worn out excuses never save me,
thundered tarmac scorched twice daily,
come asunder in the act of driving,
kept me awestruck whilst I'm thriving.

Glad am I to be a soldier,
licked by velvet tongues that scold ya',
blow the secret of my yearnings,
sweat and heat and skin that's burning.

Goddess is undone by my hand,
fallen to her knees she cannot stand,
now I'm last cos she came first,
I'm driven mad and fit to burst.

Pink glows golden in this place,
a smile that broadens on her face,
love has been a loyal friend,
my will is strong yet rules shall bend.

Over more than once more grinding,
driven past the curves in heaven finding,
celebrate our readiness to conquer,
just imagine how I'd …... want her...!

Fields of Athenry's greatest summer,
are nothing compared, to this stunner,
I'm lost for breath to call her name,
and see that she might feel the same.

Longing to be made a winner,
I've played the saint, she played the sinner,
as we moved no heat shall pass,
the kiss I give shall glance her …..