Thursday, March 20, 2014

The day of lovers.

The day of lovers.

Some say, 'oh' love
Is just a fantasy,
A dream, a fable never known.
The tale of happiness,
Lost in time,
Where sweethearts cannot share,
Undying passionate embrace,
Nor smile,
So fond of place not etched
On face.
What then can be
Our lovers vow,
Where we become,
Devoted to each other,
To fill the void of being alone,
And set our love
On fire, to burn the stone
Single-dom had shown,
Where we now build,
Our love a home....

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oh so fragile.

Oh so fragile.

Soft is how I see these lines,
Sensual a neckline that pulse defines.
Rubbed the form of love allowing,
Round the orbs my eyes adoring.
Fine are the strands of auburn hair,
Fancy my chances of your tender care.

Coffee the aroma underlining grace,
Captivated by details spread across your face.
Bound by craving to hold your hand,
Begging that desire you could understand.
Melted in heart, like saint Catherine,
Meaningful hopes are that you'd be mine.

Drawn to you by art and the craft,
Deeper than a cavern down a pothole shaft.
Trials for a life without a heart,
Tested on solid foundations, a place to start.
Jumping down into the love of agile,
Joined by a lover who's so very fragile.

The Russian.

   The Russian.

faultless, sleek as satin,
glides upon the cushion,
fills the room with warmth,
tests the edges of adoration,
builds such desire,
formidable as one great nation.

sickness for a maddening world,
light and love beheld as one,
something incredible yet to run,
beating fast a hearts desire,
held for trust,
to explode with love, creating fire.

notions of how fun could be,
deep in wells beneath the sea,
shinning for a time still to come,
beheld by this beauty's power,
caught by delight,
to witness how such a love will flower.

holding, relaxed and sated,
believing that love is ever solid,
lost in passion to come again,
filled, what never could be whole,
her beauty arrives,
to steal my heart and soul.

The ballerina of love.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cloudier day.

Cloudier day.

Ashen, cold,
the fearful sky.
Once warmer a sunset,
before I die.

Stolen glance,
the greyness came,
chance to live again,
drive me insane.

Foiled, dampness,
will cleanse elsewhere,
laying beneath my dream,
coveted, her air.

Fiercely torrid
passion cannot die,
when I glanced thunder,
my little eye.

Rolling torrents
fill heavens eye.
The clouds so evil,
shall now testify.

Bold, brassy
she draws near,
when raindrops begin falling,
fighting a tear.

Gunmetal grey,
plummeting in dread.
The eyes haunting look,
what I've read.

Stained, sullied
a fossil's desire,
beauty born on clouds,
taken me higher.

Unfaithful, loyal
heaven and hell,
clouds taking over, because
of her smell.

Polite, bad-mannered
release coming slowly,
heaven's please give me,
something so holy.

Taken, mistaken
will of desire,
below clouds of darkness,
insipid the fire.

Wanting, craving
monster or master,
will being this helpless
lead to disaster?

Time, space
beating with thunder,
decisions of virtue, what
I now wonder.

Breaking, shaking
day now arrives,
accepting my fate, is
what now survives.

Heat, testing
truth of desire,
taking the plunge, is
walking on fire.

To-ing, fro-ing
heart bringing love,
downpour of sadness comes,
from up above.

Older, younger,
days to remember,
clouds came and went,
deep darkness December.

Unknown, unheard
trinity brings light,
lying 'neath the silver,
naked to sight.

Petals, peal,
coursing in veins,
blessed by how awesome,
the power remains.

Slick, soft,
pouring out dampness,
bathed in pale glow,
feeling of success.

Evil, smiling,
watching me suffer,
testing metal, if I
still love her.

Hope, rising,
coated 'neath thunder,
days of endless betrothing,
seeing my wonder.

Storm, passing,
greyness shall pass,
life now rejoices, I'm
watching her ass....

Beauty, wonder,
now being restored,
storm clouds are passing, when
love is adored...!


Friday, March 07, 2014

And then....

    And then....

smooth, fluttering,
tense, kindness in eyes
a hotness coming back,
the silent wind will crack!

swan lake,
not so fake, or tired
alone in the moment
where light became supreme.

sculpted by desire,
higher to a passion
of loving the demure,
death could be my cure.

serene, the dream
a scent of fragrant hair,
flowing everywhere, my mind
begotten what I'll find.

something clean, lines
rhymes and dancing smiles,
taught to one who
cared for your heart.

scandal or surprise
longing in my eyes,
clamped between your thighs,
breathless as thundered skies.

spirit to be daring,
where our love comes caring
and laying close beside
where togetherness shall abide.

Sun had come, shining,
the essence love refining
wondrousness here defining
and then,
and then I saw you smiling...!



stupid does what stupid can,
for they hold on to triviality..
see them fall beneath a pressure,
hear them whinge for some clarity..
let these souls find desperation,
their lives are tawdry and stained..
sad they do not learn honour,
or save their knowledge safe..

all you'll hear from stupid,
is commentary on the benign..
nothing new is created to share,
except the folly and more despair..
shame knoweth not by stupidity,
or the remorse of being disloyal..
cold are hearts in stupid people,
for they have no concern for love......