Monday, March 12, 2012

I am the Space between

I am the Space between


I, the eye of awareness,
Wanted to know who I am.
The question is really lost, as
An answer negates true comprehension.
If I were my body,
Then why does it fade,
Why does it ail and die ?

And who is the I,
Who asks for a clue,
Is it me, or is it you ?

Molecules are objects of form,
And I am not in them.
For if I were, I could perish
And be gone, destroyed, no more.
The molecules don't observe me,
But I, the I am who is all,
Does watch and study and
Even question them, again and again.

Time is what is between,
One point and another point
Plotted along a line.
It describes a movement,
That's all, a place along the line.
So what is it, that is there
In between the points along the line,
But time ?

 Space, is likewise a gap, a
hole, a timeless void of nothingness,
And a vastness all at one time.
Objects in motion, move on air
or a vacuum, yet are not
Equal for they are form.
So what is it, that is there
In between these objects, the planets
But space ?

So what if I were to say,
I am space and I am time ?
The objects the matter the detail
Are nothing but form.
And I, the I that I am,
Is the places in between.

Is that so foolish to see,
That I am space, all space.
That I am time all the time,
And that I am always in between ?

Is it not space that keeps
The flow, the movement, the action ?
Is it not time that measures
The flow, the movement, the action ?
Is it not I that keeps all
These things here, being seen ?

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