Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Forum of Desire.

   The Forum of desire.

In every way through every day,
I am seeing you.
My attentions have gone out
To you, for you, with you,
Yet not alone again
With thoughts of two.
Coaxed by yearning,
A familiar burning deep below,
The start of desire
Fan the flames now rising higher
That smile, a connection.
Souls recognising grace,
Beauty of these lines I trace,
Fondness to a choice we face.
Reading in between the lines,
Desire breeds romantic notion,
Of how we may yet
Catch and ride the locomotion,
Deep and hot, filled of love,
Broad as any timeless ocean.

Recognised of one becoming
More a joy than aimless fantasy,
I wonder do you truly notice me,
And crave to let your
Soul and mind run free.
Worlds apart yet meeting here,
Time stands still as if
The paralysis grips me,
Destined for a day to feel you,
Heady, drunk so much more
Than merely tipsy.
Wanting has a power to
Feed me, all because one special
Moment passes, collection of messages
I sense, as you raise your glasses.
Palpitations driving and fuelling
My sole attention, to want your kisses,
Upon my body your hands and lips,
Carpet softness supporting how we
Open to gyrating hips.

I drive my car into a bridge
I’ve crashed, I let it burn,
I want your freshness,
And all the ceaseless scandal,
The fire burns within me too
Till I’m become the madman,
‘Cos I don’t care..!
Heat that rises fills my mind,
And no religious convictions hold
For us to go until we’re blind.
Every ounce of love
Is desire and lust here moulding,
We reach a point of no return,
I’ve crashed my car
And I watch it, I let it burn.
Heart beating, thudding so quickly
Your smell intoxicatingly vivid, I
I stumble…..answer,
But your widening smile describes,
That you understand..!!

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