Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Doesn't Recognize A Diamond.

Doesn't Recognize A Diamond.

what a blind stupid fool..!
he knows not what he,
can see, everything for free.
Before him a crown,
not of thorns but of beauty,
worth more than money,
more than all his toil.
Something precious,
more than gold, silver,
even this diamond carat cut.
Life has not been kind,
he has lost not only,
his mind,
but his ability to feel,
missing out on what,
light could not steal,
something more precious, real.

The flicker of candles,
blows out his flame,
he dumbly fails here,
to even recognise her name.
The power not his to tell,
he staggers, heady,
unaware of the glory,
her wonderful ethereal smell.
God he's an idiot,
a joker in her sight,
someone foolish and trite,
walking crookedly alone,
sleeping restlessly each night.
If only he'd take off,
the veil, his blindness,
and cherish this view.
But he trips into the well,
drowned once more alive,
sent straight to hell,
with season pass for
bumbling, crazy fools.

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